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Good common sense and links to advice sites:

Article regarding Non-Anesthetic Teeth Cleaning
We don't recommend this practice. Search for articles yourself. It seems the practitioners are not licensed, are not vets, and don't clean below the gum line where plaque causes real problems.

Dry Itchy Skin:

Many people have their pets groomed. Pet salone may use various shampoos and conditioners for dry itchy skin, but most of them dry your dog with a hair dryer. And the temperature may be warm to hot. The last thing dry skin needs is to be dried out even more. Bring your dog home wet. Yes, a wet dog in your home. So towel him off and on warm days walk him until he's dry. On cold days, place a mat somewhere warm where he can drip-dry. You might see a vast difference in your itchy dog's scratching behavior.
. . . Don't forget to include oil in your dog's diet. Most pet stores sell Omega 3 or fish oil capsules. Most dogs love fish oil, so just squeeze a capsule onto his/her food.
. . . We recommend a shampoo with oil in it, such as Emu Oil Shampoo. It can be found online more cheaply than grooming salons. An Emu Oil Conditioner is also available, but I haven't tried it.
. . . Many of my friends swear by oatmeal shampoo for dry skin.

Sutter never had a bath!

People are used to bathing every day. The idea of not bathing our dogs is foreign to us. However, we had a yellow Lab for almost 13 years who never had a bath. He got bathed when it rained hard or he went swimming. He didn't have an odor, so we didn't bathe him. He never had skin problems either! If your dog gets dirty, just hose him off. But don't use soap unless he has an odor when dry. "Wet dog odor" is probably a natural part of nature!


We supposedly don't have ticks in Palo Alto, California. However, if you're taking your dog somewhere where it might get ticks, we recommend a temporary "tick collar" similar to a "flea collar." The collar can be worn while you are in tick country then stored in your freezer until you need it again. I'm told they can keep for a long while this way.


A nurse discovered a safe, easy way to remove ticks where they automatically withdraw themselves when you follow her simple instructions. Read this one as it could save you from some major problems.

Spring is here and the ticks will soon be showing their heads. Here is a good way to get them off you, your children, or your pets. Give it a try.

A School Nurse has written the info below--good enough to share--and it really works!

"I had a pediatrician tell me what she believes is the best way to remove a tick. This is great because it works in those places where it's sometimes difficult to get to with tweezers: between toes, in the middle of a head full of dark hair, etc."

"Apply a glob of liquid soap to a cotton ball. Cover the tick with the soap-soaked cotton ball and swab it for a few seconds (15-20); the tick will come out on its own and be stuck to the cotton ball when you lift it away.

This technique has worked every time I've used it (and that was frequently), and it's much less traumatic for the patient and easier for me.."

Also, if you just pull a tick off, their heads sometimes break off and are left under the skin so this is much safer. Be aware

also that a tick with a white speck on its back is a Deer Tick, these can cause Tick Fever so check yourself and your family good if you see any of these!

"Unless someone is allergic to soap, I can't see that this would be damaging in any way. Please pass on. Everyone needs this helpful hint.

Another good article on tick removal

Advantix not for cats:

This statement comes along with a vaccine certificate from the Mid-Peninsula Animal Hospital in Menlo Park, CA (650) 325-5671

Advantix is NOT SAFE TO USE ON CATS because of their unique physiology and inability to metabolize the tick control component, parmetrin. If this product is accidentally applied to cat or ingested by a cat grooming a dog who has recently been treated with Advantix, call our office or the Emergency Clinic immediately as the harmful effects are very serious, even life threatening, and timely treatment is essential. ....Do not allow small children to hug the dog for a day or so, when the fur appears normal again."

Fleas becoming immune to topical flea treatment?:

There has recently been news that fleas on the S.F. Peninsula ave developing immunity to our topical flea treatments. Chesk with your vet to see if that's true in your neighborhood, and see if they recommend an ingested alternative.

Give you dog bones?

When our Yellow Lab was 10 or 11, a substitute vet at Dr. Mel Burl's practice raved about how great Sutter's teeth and gums were. "You give your dog bones, don't you," he said. I answered, "Yup, but only raw knuckle bones." Everyone knows there is the possibility of a big chunk causing some trouble, but raw bones, even shanks, aren't so brittle when raw. Knuckle bones are mostly cartilage, and scrape plaque from a dog's teeth as he gnaws them. I gave all of my dogs knuckle bones for over 40 years, and never had a problem. The bone should be taken away when it gets too small so he/she doesn't swallow it. And the dog's gums might be sensitive for a day or two. That showed me the gums were getting a workout as well. However, take your vet's advice, I'm not a doctor.

Do not go for non-anesthetic teeth cleaning. That doesn't get down into the gums where it's most important. Sutter never had to have his teeth cleaned, nor lost any teeth in almost 13 years.

My Dog Ate Chocolate --blog:


Heartworm advice

Foods Poisonous for dogs:

(click here for more)
  • Chocolate
  • Coffee
  • Alcohol
  • Avocado
  • Macadamia Nuts
  • Grapes and Raisins
  • Sugar free gum & toothpaste (contains Xylitol)
  • Onions, Chives, Garlic
  • Salt

In addition to a fresh bottle of hydrogen peroxide - 3% USP (1 tsp. added to water to induce vomiting), here's a link to a few things that should be in every pet owner's medicine cabinet.

For more information about plants and things poisonous to pets click here

If you have important tips or suggestions, we'd love to hear from you. Your email address will be kept strictly confidential. Thanks, Nancy

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